Is this tech's greatest hour?
Day-to-day life has done a sudden 180. Our standard routines have taken a back seat. Things like going to the grocery story, getting gas in the car, saying hello to the neighbors … are now things we have to think twice about.
Add to that, your jobs as tech leaders have shifted in the blink of an eye. All of a sudden your workflow and the way you produce worship services is totally different.
Whereas you once produced a physical worship service that was likely your church’s top priority, for example, now—almost over-night—streaming has moved up into the driver’s seat. In many churches it has gone from being the second act to the main event for sharing the Word.
If the Message is getting out, it will be digitally, and it will be up to you and your team.
It’s your job to make sure that people out there, staying indoors, waiting it out, are not cut off from the Gospel. Whether it’s a live stream, a podcast, or any type of digital communication from your pastors—people need the Word of God.
Out there, the hard-core regulars, the every-now-and-then attendees, and untold numbers of prospective attendees all have one thing in common: they’re at home in front of their com-puters and devices, and they’re searching … for something.
Maybe it’s your live-stream Message this Sunday, or even on Easter. Maybe it’s a life-change video on YouTube or a testimonial video they finally have time to watch.
Whatever the case, you can be sure that God is using you as a church technical artist to get out His Word. And so maybe this is tech’s greatest hour.
Best regards,
Brian Blackmore
Editor & Publishers, Church Production Magazine