Trinity was beginning to feel the strain on their equipment, which had been the result of their last major renovation in 1996. Michael Koontz, Director of Multimedia Technology at Trinity Church explains, “We had a little 1 ME Panasonic switcher that we had reached the absolute limit with. I would have to bring another switcher to plug it into, just to accomplish what we wanted to do. On top of this, our old cameras lacked any RCP control... it was a big and clunky operation.” Trinity got in contact with Lubbock Audio Visual Inc. a total systems solution provider based out of Lubbock. Koontz says, “Lubbock AV was a huge help. Within the city alone, their credentials span an incredibly long list of equipment they've integrated in platforms across the city.” Read more:
Trinity Church – User Story
Michael Koontz, Director of Multimedia Technology, Trinity Church, talks about his church's positive experience with Ross Video production equipment.