It comes so easy to us. It just feels so good. We really can't help ourselves. I'm talking about complaining, and how for many of us it has become a way of life.
The internet has become a free-for-all for people to complain. It only takes a few moments reading reviews on Amazon, browsing videos on YouTube, or scanning political posts on Facebook. You can see it all around you. Maybe you have even contributed a few poignant complaints yourself?
Someone once quipped that “on the seventh day God rested and on the eight day he started taking complaints.” It's just a joke...sort of.
Have you ever complained about the weather? I sure have, after all I live in New England and that's what we do! Then I realized that God was the one that made the weather so my complaints were really aimed directly at Him!
Think about it. All of our complaining is actually directed at God. Complaining shows a distrust of God and the situations that He is working in our life. All throughout Scripture we see that God has an utter disgust for complaints. How can we complain against the One that blesses us?
Not only does complaining hurt the heart of God it also drives other people away. No one wants to be around a complainer. If we want to live a life that truly honors God, we need to stop complaining.
Did you know that if you want to find something to complain about you can? Complainers are never satisfied. In fact, you may have been complaining about something just a few minutes ago. On the other hand, if you want to find something to have faith about you can find that also.
So what should we do about this cancerous disease called complaining? Stop. Just stop complaining. I know that in our culture it is not only accepted, but expected. Many friendships are even based around things that we dislike and complain about. But it's time to start restraining our complaining.
Philippians 2:14-15 Do everything without complaining and arguing, 15 so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.
What would happen if instead of keeping a record of complaints, we started keeping a record of the things that we are grateful for? Not just the big things, the small things too. Studies have shown that keeping a “gratitude journal” for five minutes each day can increase your well-being by more than 10%. That is the same basic impact as doubling your income.
My challenge to you for the next seven days is that when you feel the temptation to complain...bite your tongue. Mamma always said “If you don't have something good to say don't say anything at all!” You might find that you talk a lot less than you used to.
Let the words that you use be helpful to build others up and not tearing them down. Complaining never makes anything better. Let's take the next seven days and choose to rejoice no matter what. Take every blessing that God provides to you and turn it back around to praise to him.
How much good has complaining done in your life so far? None! But giving thanks to God will have an immeasurable impact on your life and your relationships with others. A soul that gives thanks can find comfort in everything; but the soul that complains finds comfort in nothing. So let's rejoice in everything because our God is good.