Even though there have been so many experiences and memories from my past that were meaningful and very much pivotal in making me who I am today, it's amazing how distant that life feels. Almost like I'm viewing them through a haze or maybe out of some NyQuil-induced dream. It seems crazy that the life that was so important to me back then means so little to me today. Of course there are some cool stories and special moments that will always be timeless but compared to what I get to do today for the church? There honestly is no comparison. This church situation that God has immersed me in is so complete that it feels like I'm cheapening the experience by allowing myself to compare this life to that one.
But even so, when I do reflect on the past it makes me so unbelievably thankful for where I am now, what I get to do, and who I get to work with. I'm reminded of a scripture my mom always used to quote to me, Psalms 37:4. “Seek your happiness in the Lord, and He will give you your heart's desire.” I never really pondered this too deeply back then but what a fantastic promise this can be for a technical artist. Seeking happiness in Christ is something I can't remember working very hard at back then but somehow it makes perfect sense to me now. As I've slowly been able to find my happiness in Christ through serving the local church, I've very much been given the desires of my heart. I get to work in an environment where I am constantly validated. I'm allowed to share my experiences and opinions. I feel useful. I feel appreciated.
This doesn't mean that everything is perfect—to be realistic, some days it's far from it. But overall, my quality of life --- professionally --- is very fulfilling, the quality of my life personally is in a great place, and I feel like I'm contributing in a big way to something that is much bigger than myself. Working at a church has been one of the most relentless and unforgiving schedules I've ever experienced, but I believe the essence of that scripture comes from allowing (or maybe forcing) ourselves to still find that happiness somewhere in the midst of the daily grind.
However trite this may seem, remember today to be thankful and forever grateful for your situation—whatever it may be. The trials, the hard work, the sacrifice, the challenges: you never know that the precise situation you're in may be exactly the opportunity God wants you to use to find your happiness.