What do technical directors do? Each week we program, install, repair, setup, teardown, plan, tune, design and buy technical systems. And we train others how to use them. If, however, Christ has changed our lives by our faith in Him, I would argue that we are doing far more than these things.
Paul, writing to believers in Ephesus, writes, “I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints.” These are people, followers of Christ, who undoubtedly had many different vocations. I image that they were good at what they did. Paul doesn't address them by saying, “I've heard of how well you excel in your vocations as [fill in the blank.]” He says he has heard of two things. Two things that, I think, rise far above a vocation: their faith in Jesus and their love toward all the other believers. More than being known by my technical prowess, I would like to be known by my faith in Christ and my love toward others.
Someone who knew Paul must have said, “Oh those Ephesians, I have seen their faith in Christ because of…. And how much they love one another and show it on a consistent basis.” Of course, this is my interpretation, but Paul had heard of their faith in Christ and love for others because it was observable to others.
What would others say after observing in you?
“I’m here to encourage you toward Christ, and maybe along the way we will do some technical production.”
Do they see someone who is solely about a technical production? Do they see someone who just wants to get the tasks done? Do they see someone who practically demonstrates their faith when crisis hits? Do they see someone who sacrificially loves the ones with whom they serve?
What do you want others to see in you? What do you hope others see in you?
In college, I had a professor who, on the first day of class, made a statement that greatly impacted me. He said, “I'm here to encourage you toward Christ. Maybe along the way you'll learn some Business Policy.” In other words, living out faith in Christ is important and I love you too much to focus only on getting the job done of teaching Business Policy. His faith and love became evident.
Because Paul had heard of these qualities about them he goes on to pray for three things for them; three things that we can pray for one another as we serve as technical directors who desire to be known for our faith in Christ and love towards others:
1) That God would give us a Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ. That as we learn more of Jesus we grow in wisdom and understanding as we live out our faith in specific ways. That as we are working hard, we are applying our faith.
2) That God would open the eyes of our hearts to know the hope to which we have been called. God has given us a hope. Hope for redemption, forgiveness, blessing, inheritance, grace and mercy. That God thinks of us as “His glorious inheritance.” Oh that we would know that God is quite fond of us.
3) To know something of God's power toward us. It is immeasurable. It has no end, no boundaries. We measure things every day: frequency, sound levels, time, etc. But the power of God toward us is immeasurable. And it is for us, not against us.
And at the end of the day, we can join my old college professor and say with authenticity, “I'm here to encourage you toward Christ, and maybe along the way we will do some technical production.”