Have you noticed in Google Search that many entries come up with a photograph of the person who created the content? That's Google Authorship at work.
Google authorship links your content to your Google+ profile and displays your headshot near the result.
Why would you want to link your Google+ profile to the content you create? Well, to start, it provides a more visually interesting, verified listing which makes it more appealing to click. And secondly, it can boost your ranking.
There are two ways to do this:
The first option is to link your content to your Google+ profile using a verified e-mail address.
1. Check that you have an e-mail address on that has the same domain as your content.
2. Make sure each article or post you publish on that domain has a clear byline identifying you as the author.
3. Visit Google's Authorship page and submit your e-mail address. (You only have to do this once.)
The second option is to set up authorship by linking your content to your Google+ profile. Google recommends this:
1. Create a link to your Google+ profile from your webpage, like this: Google Your link must contain the ?rel=author parameter. If it's missing, Google won't be able to associate your content with your Google+ profile.
2. Edit the "contributor to" section on your Google+ profile by clicking "add custom link" then entering the website URL and hit "save."
To test to see what author data comes up for a given site, you can use the Structured Data Testing Tool