SynAudCon announces the launch of two new online training courses aimed at enhancing the skills of audio professionals.
Course 310 – Sound System Design: Direct Field
“System Design Begins with the Direct Field.”
This course focuses on loudspeaker source types and their specifications, with an emphasis on establishing even coverage. Both point sources and line arrays are covered extensively. Presented by Pat Brown, this course integrates these important aspects into a “logical and intuitive sound system design process.”
Course 320 – Sound System Design: Room Acoustics
“An Acoustics Course for Sound System Designers.”
This course explores the room’s acoustics using the room impulse response (RIR) - the room’s acoustic signature for a listener position. The RIR contains all of the sound fields of interest, including room modes, early and late reflections, and reverberation. Participants will learn to understand, measure, and predict the RIR, and how it impacts speech intelligibility and sound clarity.
Both courses feature structured instructional videos that avoid the traditional "talkinghead" format. Instead, they utilize graphics, animation, analogies, and metaphors topresent complex topics visually. The material is brought to life through practicaldemonstrations and the IntelliKwik calculator, developed by SynAudCon to provide visualassistance with calculations.
Pat Brown, the course developer and instructor, states, “These courses represent theculmination of nearly four decades of learning and experience in audio and acoustics. Theyaddress the fundamental topics that remain constant, rather than focusing on the latesttechnological fads. Mastering these principles empowers individuals to intuitively resolveaudio and acoustic challenges—something that technology alone cannot achieve.”
These courses are specifically designed for sound system designers and each is approvedfor 18 Renewal Units.
For more information or to purchase the courses, please visit SynAudCon Online TrainingCourses or contact Brenda Brown at (812) 923-0174.